Britannica LaunchPacks

Curriculum building blocks for every school

A platform that enables multimodal curriculum building blocks for your district

– 2021 –

– 2021 –

– 2021 –

– 2020 –

– 2019 –

Britannica LaunchPacks

Curriculum building blocks for every school

A platform that enables multimodal curriculum building blocks for your district

– 2021 –

– 2021 –

– 2021 –

– 2020 –

– 2019 –

Britannica LaunchPacks

Curriculum building blocks for every school

A platform that enables multimodal curriculum building blocks for your district

– 2021 –

– 2021 –

– 2021 –

– 2020 –

– 2019 –

The Britannica difference

Build your social studies and science curriculum with best-in-class content.

Content you can trust

Trust objective, fact-checked, and unbiased content that has been written by experts and vetted through a rigorous editorial process.

Curated multimodal content

Pair multimedia with best-in-class informational text, organized into thematic units covering K-12
curriculum standards.

Support for all students’ needs

Enable students at different levels and from special populations to engage with and deepen their understanding of core topics.

Look Inside LaunchPacks

Discover what LaunchPacks has to offer by previewing packs for Social Studies, Science, and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion.

Make great teaching easier

Do you have the right content behind your curriculum? LaunchPacks gives teachers everything they need to effectively and equitably teach.


Culturally Relevant Instruction

ELA AND Literacy Development




Culturally Relevant Instruction

ELA AND Literacy Development

Deeper learning starts with inquiry

LaunchPacks enables schools and districts to facilitate a culture of inquiry-based learning in their classrooms.

Nothing motivates students more than their own curiosity! Through effective inquiry, students discover real questions about academic topics that lead to critical thinking, reflection, collaboration, creation, and sharing. Inquiry-based learning gives K-12 students voice and choice in learning that sparks deeper understanding and engagement.

Watch this webinar with Dr. Leslie Maniotes, author and senior consultant from BLV Consulting, as she introduces you to Guided Inquiry Design (GID), a research-backed instructional design for inquiry-based learning founded at Rutgers University, and how to use Britannica LaunchPacks to keep students engaged in their learning across social studies and science disciplines.

Nothing motivates students more than their own curiosity! Through effective inquiry, students discover real questions about academic topics that lead to critical thinking, reflection, collaboration, creation, and sharing. Inquiry-based learning gives K-12 students voice and choice in learning that sparks deeper understanding and engagement.

Watch this webinar with Dr. Leslie Maniotes, author and senior consultant from BLV Consulting, as she introduces you to Guided Inquiry Design (GID), a research-backed instructional design for inquiry-based learning founded at Rutgers University, and how to use Britannica LaunchPacks to keep students engaged in their learning across social studies and science disciplines.

“Just being able to provide students with the same content and information, but written at appropriate levels for their ability has been huge. Kids, especially during distance learning, don’t even realize that they have a ‘different’ document. They feel the same as others, which in high school, is essential.”



Connect with a Britannica team member today to learn more about Britannica LaunchPacks.


Britannica’s trusted editors created 200 unique Pear Deck lessons that pair LaunchPacks Social Studies resources with interactive questions. View the full list of PearDeck activities.

Bring a valuable dimension of game-based learning to LaunchPacks lessons with Kahoot! Use a Britannica Kahoot! or create your own and embed it within a LaunchPack.

LaunchPacks also integrates with Clever, Classlink, Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, and other learning management systems.

Leverage federal funding

LaunchPacks directly meets requirements for federal funding, including:

Address learning loss, especially among disadvantaged students

Implement activities related to summer learning and supplemental after school programs

Plan for long-term closures and ensure educational services can continue

Meet the unique needs of low-income students, children with disabilities, English learners, and racial and ethnic minorities

Customer support


Customer Onboarding

Find an easy guide of self-paced training modules to help get your students and teachers started, one step at a time.

Free Webinars

Join Britannica’s Education Consultants for our free monthly events to discover new ways to incorporate digital content, features, and instructional strategies into your classroom or library!


ABC’s of Inquiry

Britannica Education has partnered with Guided Inquiry Design, led by author, Leslie K. Maniotes M.ED., Ph.D., to offer professional learning, grounded in research, to provide the basic principles of Guided Inquiry in daily instruction. Learn the foundational aspect of inquiry based learning and strategies to design lessons that make students curious about the standards you teach.

Supporting ELL Through Rich Text and Media

This session provides ways for teachers to embed strategies that support English language learners in Literacy. Teachers will learn the importance of developing specific skills in Literacy and equip students with these skills when reading a text or exploring media sources, such as images and videos, using Britannica resources.

Let's Connect

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Find out how Expedition: Learn! can accelerate your students’ learning.

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Let us help you!

Find out how Expedition: Learn! can accelerate your students’ learning.

Expedition: Learn! Scope & Sequence

Click to expand

View the available lessons for elementary and middle school science and social studies

Expedition: Learn! Teacher Toolkits

Expedition: Learn! Reading Levels

Choose between 4 reading levels to meet the needs of every learner

Expedition: Learn! Spark Video

Each Expedition: Learn! Lesson begins with a video to spark students’ interest in the topic


Britannica Expedition: Learn!

Ignite the spark of curiosity and accelerate learning

You are reading a Middle School level article.

For Elementary or High School reading levels, please contact us.