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A Carnevale reveler peers out from behind an ornate mask in Venice

Around the world, the day before the first day of Lent—the 40 days leading up to Easter—is celebrated as a day of parties and indulgence, known by many names like Mardi Gras, Carnival, Fat Tuesday, Pancake Day, Shrove Tuesday, and more. Venetians are famous for donning elaborate historical costumes and doll-like masks that cover the whole face throughout the Carnival season.
Coach E.J. Cooper and the 1921 Oliver High School football team

There are a lot of ways to look at Black History Month, and some of the most fascinating are the small everyday moments. How proud does that coach look? And get a load of the padding on these players from Oliver High School in Winchester, Kentucky. How does it compare to what football players wear today?
Two snow leopard cubs cuddling in the snow

Native to the mountains of Central Asia, snow leopards are among the most elusive of the big cats. They were upgraded from “endangered” to “vulnerable” in 2017.
A Kazakh falconer and his golden eagle on a hunt in Mongolia

The nomadic people of Central Asia survive the harsh winter months by catching eagles as chicks, then training the massive raptors—their wings can be up to eight feet across!—to catch foxes and hares. The birds are returned to the wild after a few years.
A Galapagos sea lion and her newborn pup

The exotic wildlife of the Galapagos Islands contributed to the groundbreaking theories on natural selection presented by Charles Darwin in The Origin Of Species. The famous naturalist’s life and work is celebrated around the world on his birthday, February 12, as “Darwin Day.”
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